12. klases centralizētais eksāmens angļu valodā, rakstu daļa.


• My werry not like that Latvia is crize.

• Big crize in Latvia is very very big.

• Latvia is economical unstabil.

• I don't finksow

• sench (thanks)

• It is nafing.

• Political eat gold.

• My drems is I have home, car, girl and any think.

• Latvia can't give money to people, but Latvia can give them big life experience how to live without money.

• … without you country will become empty, old and sad.



• My best quality are policemen.

• I'am is friendly.

• I am not lazy I just rest before I get tired.

• I am burned in family when is father and mother.

• I am a little bit king girl and that likes my mum.

• I am very friendlich and sweet.

• I want change my relation sheep with girls because there are very good.

• I must change only one thing in my personality, it is opportunity to love some women longer than one week.

• I love my girlfriend very much and I'm not the only one.

• In my personality I want to change my nose, it's too big.

• I think I pozitiva persona. I am hungry, silence, pozitiva.

• I sing my best quality is a sport.

• Of course, there is several think why people dislike me, mostly it because I still haven't learnt to drink alchohol. I'm beginning drink I can't stop for a while.



• It's nice to have a litter from you.

• Shot down computer, radio and TV.

• School is very cool. In school you teach many teahers, they learn you.

• You can find some learning methodios. For example, you can learn with your girlfriend.

• If you like laguages, you can chose to be English teacher! In nowdays this is very good job and also you can get monny to feet they families.

• Your results at school are very improve to you study in universe.

• If I won studing in high school, I mast pain.

• I very like read box.

• I'm learning in pavar class …

• If you want dig holes you can leave school.

• In my heart live many different skills, who want to come out.

• Studies are light, unstudies are darkness.

• Your friends are smelling about you.

• Yours fightfully…

• Facefully…

• Yours sencefully

• Best fishes

• Best witches

• In loff

• Yours seincerely, advicement

• Thank and boy boy!


<iepriekšējais                                                                                                     nākamais>
